Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

How to wear floral brooches

Brooches have always been a much underutilized fashion accessory I think for two reasons. Brooches are usually seen as an accessory for the older generation and secondly people just do not know how to wear them to accessorize an outfit.

In the same fashion she popularized the shift dress, Michelle Obama has given a new lease of life to the brooch and in particular floral brooches which she uses to accessorize many an outfit. From what can be called the Michelle Obama Brooch Jewelry Trend, my favourite I think is this turquoise flower starburst brooch by Erickson Beamon seen here worn with two different outfits outfits.

Michelle Obama floral brooches, flower jewellery
Michelle Obama floral brooches, flower jewellery
Michelle Obama floral brooches, flower jewellery
Michelle Obama floral brooches, flower jewellery
It is therefore not surprising that flower jewellery is expected to be a main jewellery trend this Autumn 09/10 at International Jewellery London 2009.

Brooches can be worn as a neckline embellishment front and centre or at the side or even attached to a pearl or other necklace. Getting the colours right is also important as seen below a brown flower brooch colour codes well with this green Miss Sixty dress.

how to wear floral brooches
Here are some unique floral brooches for you to choose from. Trend or no trend I am sure you would agree these handcrafted flower brooches are simply exotic and will add a wow factor to your outfits.

leather orchid flower brooch, floral brooch, floral jewellery, flower jewellery
This very life like orchid brooch is handcrafted in leather to reflect an orchid flower. This leather brooch is hand painted in the vibrant colours of this actual species of orchid.
leather amaryllis flower brooch, floral brooch, floral jewellery, flower jewelleryHandcrafted leather flower brooch "Amaryllis" carefully cut and hand painted in the vibrant colours of this actual amaryllis flower. This brooch is available in gold, orange or brown.

enamel flower brooch, floral brooch, floral jewellery, flower jewellery
This gorgeous and eye-catching 1928 enamel flower brooch with sparkling pink crystals at the centre is made from rose gold plated enamel in shades of pink. A vintage brooch at its best.

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