Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

sweet love quotes sayings

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  • jmadlena
    Nov 6, 01:44 AM
    No spy chips, thank you.


    So you believe that by Apple putting an RFID tag reader in the next generation iPhone it will help enable the US government to spy on you?

    According to those scary sites you posted, they're already doing this with ease. Basically, if the US government wants to spy on you, it probably can. The only way to stop it would be to move out to the middle of nowhere: http://www.theonion.com/content/video/google_opt_out_feature_lets_users

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  • headset
    Mar 24, 03:32 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Yeah this is a deal. I just called our local store and the guy said they're out of 16gbs nationally. Considering a 32...

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Nov 1, 11:54 PM
    Eventually the MR Guide will hopefully absorb all the info from the various reliable sources, making it pretty comprehensive.

    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • vocaro
    Apr 2, 07:42 PM
    Except for a minor cursor glitch, I haven't encountered any bugs in Pages, and it does everything I've asked of it. I especially love the way it handles graphics. Being able to drag pictures where you want them and keep them there, letting text flow around them as you type, is sooo much nicer than what I've experienced in Word, which is usually "Dammit, Word, why did you bump my picture to the next page just because I typed three letters?"

    So contrary to most of the posters here, I'm quite happy with Pages. I agree that the user interface could use some remodeling, especially the tedious Inspector pane, but overall I've been impressed with the quality of this 1.0-level app that only costs $40 (so to speak). It's a great Word alternative for those who don't need Excel and don't want to shell out several hundred bucks (MS Office) just to get something better than TextEdit.


    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • Cappy
    Sep 22, 03:24 PM
    Originally posted by MacCoaster
    Maybe it was Apple and Microsoft (Windows 98) who popularized USB, but you've got to realize this. PCs have had USB a few years before Apple. It wasn't until iMac/Windows 98 (note, same year: 1998) that USB got popular.

    I'm glad there's someone who remembers that. I find it amazing that so many Mac fanatics are so out of tune with the rest of the world that they never even realized that Win98 came out at the same time and is why USB is where it is. You don't see Apple making claims that they were first or created the USB market. People need to get out more so to speak.

    Remember folks Intel developed USB. It was on motherboards for previous years. It was destined to happen. They just needed MS to develop a decent OS to handle it(Win95 2.1 only had partial USB support) and products to take advantage of it. Developers came onboard once they saw MS get onboard with Win98. You wouldn't have seen the iMac USB support you saw if it wasn't for Win98.

    Sorry to go off on a tangent but I get tired of people making false claims with misinformation. Remember folks being a fanatic is ok but know your enemy. ;)

    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • rrosebr
    Jan 9, 11:55 PM
    I wish the contact pictures where synced full size and not the mini verison


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  • bwaltens
    Mar 11, 01:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Thy just handed out pizza and smart water at southlake!

    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • cr2sh
    Sep 20, 06:12 PM
    i learned a few years ago that you can never try to show someone else their mistakes, theyll only hate you for it... at this point its become a disgusting obsession with a lot of mac-junkies to show that a g4 is faster than a pentium. at this point its not, the OS is better, the software is better, the user experience is so much more enjoyable its idiotic to even argue.. but lets face it, head to head, single cpu to single cpu th3y got us beat.

    ill agree with everyone though, theres a big-storm coming, and when the g5s with 5megs l3 operating at 2gHz are released in mid-2003... its over... for a while.

    ive seen dual AMD systems with both cpus at 1.8, and it is amazing... but so what? im not about to trade speed and windows, for enormous power and osX. i dont play games so theres no edge there...

    we're right, we know it, and the rest are idiots (except the gamers and CAD, they know what theyre doing)... but i think the matter has been argued enough already, so let me exit with another thing thats been said FAR TOO often...

    give us the g5 goddamnit!!


    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • iJED DV
    Oct 27, 11:05 AM
    I messed with it for about 5 minutes and it's nowhere near Soundtrack, IMO. Now I'm not an audio or video pro, but I like to do some tinkering. But as someone else stated, Adobe Audition is much more competition to Soundtrack is than SoundBooth.

    Also, this doesn't necessarily need to be a UB. Heck, from what I saw it doesn't really even fill a need with the Intel Macs. Logic and Soundtrack seem to be much better options.

    Absolutely, I have no idea why the mac rumors article said it was a competitor to SoundTrack Pro. I'm at a conference in San Francisco and spoke with an Adobe rep who was demoing Soundbooth. It's meant for an audience who doesn't care about the advanced features of Audition but would like to clean up audio or build simple beats. While it does have a couple of similar features to Soundtrack, it's a much more basic program.

    Also, I questioned the guy about the PPC thing. He said any existing programming that supports PPC will continue to be supported through at least one more release, since they already have the PPC code foundation. Anything new will be Intel-only, because the architechture is the same. They were told that if they waited for Soundbooth to be released on PPC, there would be no Mac version of Soundtrack.

    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • Mr. Gates
    Apr 12, 10:01 PM
    That's too bad,...the CDMA antenna has a problem.

    Many Un happy campers.


    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • iBlue
    Dec 18, 09:22 AM
    There's already a thread on this. Just as I did in that one, I think it's incredibly sad. The irony in what the RATM croud are trying to achieve is particularly amusing.

    Not half as sad as the machine of mediocrity that is Simon Bloody Cowell's monopoly on our christmas number ones.

    So the frig what if a bunch of people want to feel like they've accomplished a small victory by bumping that rubbish off the top spot? It's harmless fun.

    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • runeasgar
    Jan 6, 03:34 PM
    so then how will it work exactly when i turn all the PN's on? Will i get alerts in the form of a text message? or will it have a little number in the corner of the app??

    It's a sound, "text message" box, and "badge" (a little number on the icon for the app). Or any combination that you choose.

    It is not a traditional text message. It won't show up in your SMS, and you don't have to delete it. It's just a notification.


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  • whatever
    Nov 14, 11:54 AM
    Good point (truly) ... but I stand by what I said too. I think if your scenario wwas true then we would see Creative Zen adapters or SanDisk Snasa adapters on the market - at least they have proven marketshare against the iPod. Still ... it will be interesting to see how this will pan out.

    What i wonder is if the Wifi the Zune uses for file transfers will be banned on planes. If it's not, then i want to be able to use Wifi for any device on a plane.
    You currently are not allowed, by law, to broadcast any signals on airwaves on an aircraft while in the air. Bluetooth, WiFi, phone, etc.

    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • Dreadnought
    May 28, 05:14 AM
    Good Job Redeye, just installed 0,4B and it's great! Keep it up!! BTW, can we link to this thread in our text below?


    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • jmadlena
    Nov 6, 01:44 AM
    No spy chips, thank you.


    So you believe that by Apple putting an RFID tag reader in the next generation iPhone it will help enable the US government to spy on you?

    According to those scary sites you posted, they're already doing this with ease. Basically, if the US government wants to spy on you, it probably can. The only way to stop it would be to move out to the middle of nowhere: http://www.theonion.com/content/video/google_opt_out_feature_lets_users

    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
  • sweet love quotes and sayings

  • rovex
    Apr 5, 11:33 AM
    Wouldn't that be so annoying in the dark, like the backlight on the keyboard of a MBP when your watching a movie?

    I've thought about that but I personally cup my thumb around the bezel so I wouldn't notice it....

    Don't know how others hold it when surfing web/YouTube videos....


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  • mikeapple
    Apr 19, 09:55 AM
    Looks like multifl0w from cydia.... actually I think it is... Springboard was in the settings in the video

    sweet love quotes sayings. sweet love quotes and sayings
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  • trsnrtr
    Mar 4, 07:15 AM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5295/5484204892_9c3057b56a_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5484204892/in/set-72157626160204246/)

    Wow, my eyes keep searching for more details to look at. Great pic!

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  • sportsfan
    Jun 10, 03:33 PM
    If only they hadn't been such head cases when Steve-O first went to them with the iPhone idea. Just think how far ahead of the competition Apple would be with all those potential subscribers.

    Sep 25, 10:01 AM
    how many of us actually care much about aperture...?
    Nope not me. :rolleyes:
    I'm locking my eyes onto a possible new MacBook. :D

    mad jew
    Sep 17, 04:27 AM
    Lick my mini.

    Oh, wait, that may be a bit too forward. :o

    Apr 8, 03:51 PM
    Cut defense, raise taxes on the rich, and close corporate tax loopholes. Deficit solved without cutting any social services. In fact, the little "balance the budget" exercise I posted a few weeks ago proved we could add a surplus while still increasing money for social services, green energy and veterans benefits. All with a progressive tax increase on the top 10%.

    As Maddow says, its not about the budget.

    Mar 11, 11:19 AM
    My parents just got there, my mom is awesome (swap out with her once I get there).

    That's awesome! I can't even talk my husband into waiting for me until 3:30.

    May 2, 03:54 PM
    I don't know if Macrumors just got the labeling mixed up on those cameras, but the camera lens on the right that's inside the phone is the exact same camera sensor that I have in my launch day black iPhone 4. I've taken it apart several times and know that camera well. The one on the left (which MR labeled to be from a black iPhone) is the lens thatnis new to me.

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