Minggu, 28 Februari 2010

Unusual handbags - mother's day gift ideas

Make your mum feel special with a unique handmade bag from Munique. Uniqueness is different for everyone and there are lots of designer handbags out there and fashionistas or label lovers who simply must have them to be trendy.

woven basket, red handbag,shoulder bagThere's absolutely nothing wrong with being trendy but there is also a lot to be said for the fashion innovators - those who chose not to follow fashion for fashion sake but to develop their own style and have the fashion audacity to even mix haute couture with simply well designed quality fashions accessories. Now there's a woman who exudes confidence in her.

handle bag,woven bag,shoulder bagSo what type are you? Innovator or follower. Me I look for the unique and unusual in most fashion accessories, handbags included. Shape is probably one of the first feature in an unusual handbag that grabs me. The bag must draw the eye and when my friends, family and perfect strangers ask me "Where did you get that", then I know that I am doing something right. What better endorsement do you need than the fact that you are turning heads. I guess that is the dramatic personality in me.

funky bag,tote bag,yellow bagOther than shape, I am a magpie for ecletic design, colour and the use of unusual handles or what some may call funky handbags

handmade bag, handmade handbag, funky bagYou may well find that handmade bags offer that individually design element that you are looking for when shopping for yourself or a mothers day gift. Nothing says I have made an effort more than finding a gift that is exclusive, fashionable and quality.

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010


Zmuszona presją otoczenia, tego raczej medycznego i rodzinnego, a nie modowego postanowiłam wyrobić okulary. I taki oto jest efekt, który całkiem pozytywnie mnie zaskoczył (lecz i tak soczewki pozostają nr 1, choćby ze względu na wygodę użytkowania). A ponad to moje ulubione ostatnio klasyczne, materiałowe szare spodnie, jedna z niewielu rzeczy, którą kupiłam ostatnio w sklepie (miła odmiana od jeansów). Biała góra też powróciła po sporej przerwie, by dodać trochę przejrzysttości temu wszystkiemu ;) No i jeszcze kurtka - ostatnio kożuchy mnie nie opuszczają.
A co do poszukiwanych to chyba od 2 lat planuję zakup parki doskonałejta Alice jest bliska ideału ;) w kolorze oliwkowym i mam nadzieję, że w końcu mi się to uda ! Do tego dużo kolorów nude plus styl militarny.

shoes-vagabond pants-zara% rest-sh

Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

Have a wonderful weekend.

My darlings, what are you up to this weekend? Alex and I are going to Abbey's house to celebrate Febgiving, which is basically Thanksgiving in February! Her friends made it up. Isn't that a great idea? Hope you have a relaxing weekend, and here are a few great posts from around the web...

The top ten mispronounced foodie words.

Wow, holy bedroom makeover!

What a lovely wedding (with orange shoes).

Oh, Nutella snack drink, where have you been all my life?

Good to know when climbing trees.

Grace Kelly would have liked this pencil skirt.

Flower pinata.

Funny shopping moment in the UK.

Loving J. Crew's "real models" series.

Beautiful bookstore cafe.

Loving these old-school toys.

Another adorable Olympics commercial. What a great song.

The cutest cross-country road trip proposal story.

Plus, five Cup of Jo posts you may have missed.
* A well-dressed autumn.
* Wine tip.
* Venice underwater.
* A quote to remember.
* An Ode to the Indie.

(Illustration by Adrian Tomine, whom I spotted in a record store once. I awkwardly trailed him around but was too shy to say hello)

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Winter weather

New York is having another blizzard today. Blarg. I'm about ready for winter to be over, aren't you? To make things a little cozier, I'm thinking of making cauliflower soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Plus, the women's figure skating finals are on tonight! Hope you guys are staying warm and cozy. xo
(Top photo by The Sartorialist)

The Eva Fit Convertible Victoria Secret Pant

Cute Victoria Secret Fashion 2010 pant in grey: Specially treated for a softer, worn-in look. The lowdown on high style. Can be worn full length or crop. Front slant pockets, back flap pockets and cargo pockets. Adjustable cinch hem.

Olympics commercial

This Olympics commercial is so sweet!

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

City Hall wedding hair

Jess and Mike got married at New York's City Hall, and I love that she just wore her hair down. Beautiful and so relaxed.

(Photos by Heather Waraksa, via Oncewed)

Book covers

The baby was kicking, so I woke up super early this morning and spent a random hour looking through book covers online. So many hilarious and clever designs out there!

P.S. More + amazing + covers.


Ostatni tydzień spędziłyśmy odcięte od świata na kaszubskiej wsi na plenerze rysunkowym:> Enjoy!

